Friday, May 27, 2011

Read a Book or Two, or Twenty

"On The Grid" by Scott Huler was an interesting read that came as result from a good ole' fashioned book swap (unintentional as it might have been).

"On The Grid" issues infrastructure. Specifically the infrastructure that we as a society take for granted as it provides us with water, electricity, communication, and transportation. Through a nearly plot driven narrative of a quest to understand what's in front of our eyes, Scott Huler describes in detail the inner-workings and philosophy/history of modern infrastructure.

While reading this book I found myself stopping to stare at the run-off water rushing into the local creek during a heavy rainstorm, or connecting the dots between the way we move our ideas and the way we move our people.

Scott covers it all including storm water, clean water, sewage, electricity generation, telephone, Internet, roads, and tarmacs. He never argues for going off the grid, but to instead relish and appreciate the grid, to understand it. He takes a sober approach to our daily condition and reliance on unquestioned amenities. A bit of an eye-opener and a good glimpse into the society we live in.

Here is a link to the books website:

Any trade offerings or new books/book reviews are welcome.

See you later friends,

Brad Lane

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