Saturday, May 21, 2011

History Sticks to Your Feet

                                                                                                                                                                                                      A conversation about lost information on burned out computers prompted a quick search. I realized that of all the information I lost when my computer crashed (no backup, d'oh), the only thing left intact was my Facebook account. I have lost most of all my personal files and deleted plenty of emails out of the trash folder, yet my entire online scrapbook was still fully intact.
So I did some investigating. Spending about a half hour on a half-hearted Internet connection, I was able to scroll through my entire college career. To my surprise I found out that I started my Facebook account four years ago to the date.

This may not seem that interesting to start but scrolling through the pages of my life I began to realize that all this information was not only well documented (I can see relationships form, excel, and crumble), but also just sitting quietly collecting web server dust.

I know I have seen pictures of newborns or even ultrasounds on the old wall posts and haven't thought too much past what it simply was, a cute baby picture. But if Facebook, or some form of Internet communication vehicle continues to be (the telephone was patented in 1876 and that stuck around), then it is very possible to think that someones entire life can be well documented and stored online. Never before had we had such wealth of history at our possession.

Noted that much of this history may seem pointless in a couple years, but give it 75 years when your grand kids are seeing your old status updates or are able to search for pictures from "Halloween Extravaganza 2009." If anything, Facebook may be a definite tool and representation of our generation.  If things continue as the way they are now, Facebook will be an effective time capsule  that doesn't give away to dirt and worms.

Disagree/Agree? Let me know

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