Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mountain Bike Mayhem

The day started at 5:30. I was too excited to sleep in and I took the early morning time to do some chores. I gassed up the vehicle ($12 for 3gallons), got a huge cup of coffee, checked my sites on campus, and was able to make a nice light breakfast:


1 1/2 eggs
red corn salsa
chopped peppers
1 hash brown pattie
1 cup o' coffee
(great way to start the day)

We then proceeded to Sugar Bottom to ride some metal steeds down the dirt tracks (mountain biking).

If you have never been, Sugar Bottom is a great escape from the normal Iowa scenery. Replace flat cornfields with winding trails through rows of red-wood forest-Esq trees. It's a beautiful thing riding through the trails with your best brakes being your reactions. Just let it flow, let your mind guide your instincts and drift away to those moments of clarity achieved through repetition.

The mountain biking was great and after 3 hours of straight riding we were able to make it home before 2:00 and carry on with the rest of our day. I took a nap. Wake up early, go do something exciting, you will thank yourself later.

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