Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Mighty Maquoketa

Weekend Trip #237: Float Down A River

This weekend a few amigos and myself took the trip up to small town Iowa to float the Maquoketa River. The river itself is a tributary of the Mississippi River and therefore also the Iowa River. The Maquoketa shares much of the same pollution and environmental problems as its bigger brothers, which after discussing the best way to clean a water bottle full of sand, and using river water as an option prompted the statement "I'd rather eat sand then shit." Funny statement but sadly true. River pollution will be covered in a later date but we weren't there to clean up the river, we were there for the small town hospitality, a few beers, and to soak up whatever sun we could find on the banks of the Might Maquoketa.

The adventure started at the University of Iowa Outdoor Rental Center to pick up the fiberglass beast to our left. Driving with a canoe on the top of your car is reassuring in high winds and it helps to know that if you accidentally flip upside down onto a river you will at least safely float...

From there we trekked to Monticello Iowa (City Limits Population: 4,000). There we were met with hot food off the grill and proceeded to go check out the local night life. Like any good small town, the local bar was packed with people and a cover band

Although a few notes were missed here and there and maybe some rhythm was lacking, the place was hopping with classic rock n' roll and friendly people. As I met a lot of friendly locals, watched someone try and crack a beer bottle over their own head, and got poured one too many cherry bombs; the small town charm (buzz) came over me.

The forecast for the next day called for clear skies and 80 degree weather so naturally in an Iowan climate, we woke up to thunderstorms and rain. After going back and forth on departure, we finally pulled the trigger and soon found ourselves 10 canoes deep on the Maquoketa. The river ran high and I would be lying to say there wasn't more then a few beers cracked during the day.

Beer or no beer, it is hard not to have a good time tied to your friends for five hours floating down the river. We saw some wildlife flying above our heads, saw some local color, and the whole way we laughed, yelled, and had fun. There is something unique to boating, to flowing softly with the current, that is hard to find anywhere else. You are always moving but in front of you are your resting legs, you truly just have to go with the flow. Out there, above the polluted waters and below the graying skies, things seem a bit easier.

So leave the watch and cell-phone at home, forget about the laptop or blackberry, just sit back, relax, and go with the flow...

Until Next Time,

Brad L.

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