Saturday, August 6, 2011

Su Casa Es... Su Casa

Never does a day go by do I not thank someone for the friends that I have.

After living out of my car on the road for a month I find myself back in Iowa City once again, living out of my car. For those that do not know I am moving back to Des Moines this fall to work an internship for the Department of Natural Resources (more on that later). The predicament occurs though that although I am not signed into a lease in Iowa City, I do have work obligations (and Iowa City is a fun place to be).

So I have been doing some couch surfing to say the least. It's not a bad life once you get over the random 3:30 wake-up calls and back pains from unfamiliar mattresses and couches. In fact it's kind of fun, almost like camping, but for homeless people. It has caused me to be resourceful, and to pack lightly (and have a messy car), and most of all it has caused me to impose myself on people I care about. And for this I thank everyone who has put me up, everyone who has offered to put me up, and everyone who understands the all too common situation I find myself in.



P.S. better blog posts (more pictures, Colorado adventures) coming as soon as I get fully situated somewhere with my normal computer.

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