Thursday, June 30, 2011

Read a Book or Two, or Twenty

"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel is this week's book selection. It recounts the heroic journey at sea by Piscine Patel (Pi) as he spends his days stranded struggling to feed and hydrate himself. Did I also mention he has a huge Bengal tiger as his lone companion on the lifeboat?

The book starts off a little slow with some history of Pi such as how he got his nickname, his family, and the Zoo his dad ran and he called home.

Once the ship sinks though, the book is hard to put down. Mix one part survival story with one part animal psychology and you get one very insightful and interesting read. It takes all of Pi's physical and mental strength just to survive on the lifeboat, and the tiger doesn't help anything.

A great summer read for anyone that is interested in survival tales and insightful narratives. Overall I'd give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Rock On,


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