Friday, July 1, 2011

100 Holes of Disc Golf - Almost

The world record for the most Frisbee golf holes played in 24 hours is 1,035. They played a nine hole course 115 times and walked over 50 miles. That's cool and all, but what fun is that??

To spice things up a bit, I set out for a nice round 100 holes in one day. Six different courses (4 brand new to me) and who knows how many miles. That was the plan at least. With a little bit of a late start (late nights do not always equal early mornings) we made it to the first course at 10.00 a.m. Along the way we picked up some friends, found some discs, and had a good time. Exploring new courses is the thing to do and the best way to develop your game.

9:30 came along and darkness coupled with light rain soon joined us. We were at the end of the fifth course and the last nine hole course was 40 minutes away. We graciously bowed to the endeavor and ended the journey at 91 holes. The defeat was not bitter however, we had fun along the way, met some new people, and most importantly had some good throws. Coming short on the goal just leaves an excuse to try it again some other time. I will get you 100 holes, oh I will get you...

For those of you who don't know, Frisbee Golf (Disc Golf, Frolf) is played much like normal golf without such the price tag. All you need is a Disc Golf Frisbee and a pair of legs. You start from the tee pads and aim towards hanging chains in a basket. Great time if you like hiking around outside.

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