Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time Traveling 101

Where am I? What day is it? What state am I in?

It has been a long couple of weeks since I have posted anything and I apologize, but I have a good excuse. I've been doing the one thing that summer is made for, the one thing that caters to excitement, and the one thing that might just change you the most: time traveling.

Yes that's right, time traveling. It's the somewhat rare event in life when you spend enough time on the open road, seeing new places, and crossing time zones that you might as well throw the watch out the window because any sense of time you once were comfortable with is long gone. It is a great way to extend your comfort zones and perhaps apply some rusty practical knowledge, the kind of knowledge not found in text books or tested within the classroom. Good ole fashioned street smarts.

Let me give you the quick rundown on the last couple of weeks and their contributions to my 100 days of summer:

July 2nd - July 17: Colorado Rocky Mountains!!! Just a short 12 hour drive to one of the most beautiful places in the United States. More details and pictures coming soon but the list of activities included mountain biking, rock climbing, tent living (the best kind of living), white water rafting, backcountry backpacking, wine tasting, vehicle packing, 14'er conquering, frisbee golf (of course), jamming, driving, zero sleeping, and to top it all of a small 14 hour adventure race. A true smorgasbord of fun. More in depth coverage coming soon.

July 18 - July 20: a quick breath in Iowa City to move all my stuff out. After living in the same house for three years it was hard to say goodbye (I have accumulated way to much stuff). But also the good times collected look odd in the rear-view. Good times ahead though and rest assured, that house hasn't seen the last of me.

July 21 - Present: Florida. Just a short 22 1/2 hour drive with a pit stop in Atlanta (thanks Yoder) got me to Bonita Springs to help my parents move into their new condominium. One small step towards senior citizenship at a time (just kidding mom and dad). Florida is hot and noticeably different then Colorado but I can't complain about a little sunshine. A lot of painting and furniture moving has taken up most of my days but we have found the time to sneak out onto the golf course a couple of times so my mom could hear her only son drop the F bomb too many times. Good times.

Expect more updates at a quicker pace, fall is approaching which means some gears will be shifted and new adventures to be had. Always remember though, their is a reason that the current time is referred to as a present.

Adios and Farewell until next time!

Brad L

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