Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life in a Day

In conjunction with Youtube, an editing team, and 80,000 potential director's; a remarkable movie has come into creation. "Life in a Day" is a movie that shows simply what it claims, life in day. July 24th, 2010 to be exact. The concept is that on this particular day thousands of people were instructed to video tape their daily lives while answering a few simple questions such as what are you doing, what is in your pockets, and what do you fear? Cameras were even shipped to third world countries to assure a fair representation of the entire world. And after editing over 4,500 hrs of video, a brilliant project emerged.

This kind of project represents two things: first it is a fantastic representation of the technologic culture we live in and secondly, that no matter who you are, what you are, or where you are; there are millions of people going through the exact same daily struggle as yourself. Never before have we been able to connect on such a global scale, to see the differences between cultures, and to simultaneously be united by them. 

Check it out for free...

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