Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Transitions

What a beautiful time of year. Only a few months of the year can you pull on a long-sleeve shirt and walk outside to see the amazing colors popping from the different trees. Combine that with the usual outdoor gatherings and recreation and it's a good time of year to stay up late, wake up early, and enjoy the great outdoors.

It's almost bittersweet. Fall time comes with a lot of changes. Behind us, hot weather and the summer-loving lifestyle complete with adventures everyday and nightly get-togethers. As the leaves began to change colors, schedules got a little busier, and just like the weather, things progressed.

The bitter piece may be the warning signs of winter that the beautiful colors transpose. Days are getting shorter and my evil arch-nemesis has appeared a few times in the wee hours of early morning (ice on my windshield). Winter is beautiful in its own regards, but the cold breezes and knee-high snowbanks provide a distinct contrast from the sandals and sea-shells of summer.

It's hard to relish the present at times but my recommendation is enjoying the change for what it is. Enjoy the colors before their gone and once those leaves drop off leaving the tree vulnerable to the cold, remember that spring time is never too far off. Fall transitions can be tough, but if you ever find yourself shivering from cold, the best remedy usually comes from the warmth of friends and family (or clothes taken directly out of the dryer).

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