Monday, September 12, 2011

If You Build It, They Will Come

It has now happening whether I work on it or not. The snowball is beginning to roll.

It has been an exciting week and metaphoric step off the plank. I am now at the point where I have not only invested enough time into this fundraising endeavor, but I have also told way too many people to reconsider my obligations.

I am trying not to worry about the final outcome at this point in the race (an endeavor I fall short on sometimes.) To re-quote one the greatest Iowa movies ever created, "If you build it, they will come"; I'm banking on it mysterious disc golfer in the shadows.

The wheels are turning though. I've collected one corporate sponsor already ($100) and a fair collection of raffle prizes (BECAUSE LOCAL BUSINESSES CONTRIBUTE TO THE COMMUNITY). I've handed out the first initial launch posters (above), and am diving further into the disc golf nation that resides in Iowa. I am currently searching for a new poster design if anyone feels they are a qualified graphic design bad-ass and want to contribute.

Time is a ticking though and their is a lot of work yet to be done. Not to mention the newest fundraiser on the horizon, one that will get a total update later on in the week, the Dash-N'-Dine.

Here is hoping to finish the long run,

Over and Out,


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